
August 2009

Making Room for People

I, like many people, believed I knew everything when I was 16. And naturally, knowing everything meant that I needed no one, so meeting new

A Work in Progress

Yesterday was great fun. My post attracted plenty of heated debate and controversy, as well as some great discussion. But what stood out to me


When spinning so many plates as a husband, business man, a pastor (not the pastor, BTW), and handling all the curve balls of life, you

You’ve Helped Me Find My Voice

Yesterday’s blog post received 1 comment. The author of this comment has been for the last three weeks almost without exception the first person to

Every Innovator Is Winging It

This awesome video is doing the rounds at the moment. For some it’s an ‘aha!’ moment when they finally realise the revolution that is Social

Maximize Your Strengths

As a perfectionist I have an obsessive problem with anything that is less than perfect. So no surprise then that growing up I was never

5 Steps for Making Quality Decisions

Last week, Olivier Blanchard, inspired by a post from Amber Nasuland, posted a great piece on ‘What Won’t You Compromise On‘. Having written about the

Much Ado About Something

Yesterday, Facebook bought FriendFeed. To the Digitalls, this is a thing of hot debate and plentiful discussion. But to the Digicools and Digitools, they will have